Inside the camera obscura at the EKWC, making the work HCW10-01

Inside the camera obscura at the EKWC, making the work HCW10-01

In 2010 / 2011 I was an artist in residence at the European Ceramic Work Centre (EKWC, a centre of expertise in the field of ceramics in Den Bosch, NL). My goal was to continue my work with camera obscura’s in a different medium; ceramics.  At the EKWC I developed a method to make large format ceramic reliefs using a camera obscura. An extremely volatile medium meets the timeless nature of ceramics. For more info see the report on Transition to ceramics

EKWC - Projection panel construction
EKWC – Projection Panel Construction

Inside the camera obscura I expose the projection directly onto wet clay. I experimented with ways to produce and vertically mount wet clay panels. A challenge was to prevent the clay from falling down, warping or cracking.

EKWC - Camera obscura experiments
EKWC – Camera Obscura Experiments

The camera obscura projects an image of objects placed in front onto the wet clay panel. I tested different approaches of transferring the projected camera obscura image to wet clay tableau; translating visual to tactile.

EKWC - Technical research
EKWC – Technical Research

My technical research at the EKWC focused on finding ways to make large format ceramic works suitable for outdoor application and creating a glaze library offering various visual possibilities.

EKWC - Drying and firing
EKWC – Drying and Firing

Different approaches to drying slabs led to the development of a new aerated drywall sandwich drying system, making it possible to create large panels without warping or cracking.


This project has been made possible by the generous support of:

– The Fonds BKVB  (now Mondriaan Fund, the Dutch national fund for arts and cultural heritage) made this project possible with a research grant
– The European Ceramic Work Centre (EKWC) provided me with a budget to cover material costs during my research period
– The Jeanette Hollaar Fonds made a contribution for installation costs of the kiln in my studio

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